Product Hooks


The productdata is auto-updated on each build.

When you are on a /products template, any section, component, and or its children will have access to the page's data using the useProduct() hook. That way, you do not have to drill this data down the props from the template.

Returns the full product object from he currently navigated product route e.g /products/the-alfa

Any /products/:handle route
import { useProduct } from '@backpackjs/storefront';

const ProductTile = () => {
  const product = useProduct();
  return <h3>{product.title}</h3> // The Alpha


Returns a full product object for any product from anywhere in the Storefront. In this example, we use the /products/the-alfa inside a contact us page at /pages/contact

Any .jsx file
import { useProductByHandle } from '@backpackjs/storefront';

const ContactPage = () => {
  const product = useProductByHandle({ handle: 'the-alfa' });
  return (
    <div className='ContactUs'>
      <h1>Contact Us</h1>


This hook takes in an object with these properties


Returns a product object in its "item" form. An "item" is just a slimmed-down version of the full object, which may have more information than needed. This hook can be called from any route in the Storefront.

Any .jsx file
import { useProductItemByHandle } from '@backpackjs/storefront';

const ProductPage = () => {
  const productItem = useProductItemByHandle({ handle: 'the-gold' });
  return (
    <div className='ProductPage'>
      <h1>{product.title}</h1>  // The Gold


This hook takes in an object with these properties


Helper hook to ease fetching of Shopify product recommendations .

From any /products/:handle
import { useProductRecommendations } from '@backpackjs/storefront';

const ProductRecommendations = () => {
  const { recommendations, ...recommendationsStatus } = useProductRecommendations();
  return (
    <div className='ProductRecommendations'>
      ... recommendations 

Or passing a custom product handle

From any component on any route
import { useProductRecommendations } from '@backpackjs/storefront';

const ProductRecommendations = ({ productHandle, limit }) => {
  const { recommendations, ...recommendationsStatus } = useProductRecommendations({
    handle: productHandle,
  return (
    <div className='ProductRecommendations'>
      ... recommendations 


In cases where live inventory data is critical, this hook helps you to easily fetch live inventory data for any product route e.g fetching /products/charlie inventory data within the /collections/all route

Any component on any route
import { useProductLiveInventoryByHandle } from '@backpackjs/storefront';

const CollectionItem = ({ productHandle }) => {
  const { productLiveInventory } = useProductInventoryByHandle(
   { handle: productHandle }
  return (
    <div className='CollectionItem'>
      ... productLiveInventory 


Returns an array of all product handles in your Storefront.

Any component on any route
import { useProductHandles } from '@backpackjs/storefront';

const Comp = () => {
  const { productHandles, ...handlesStatus } = useProductHandles();
  return (
    <div className='Comp'>
      ... productHandles 

Last updated